The Listener to the Universe.

Pictures should "say" what they mean. We want to "understand" those pictures.


Pictures are related in a time context. The artist performs them as other artists of his time.

An art historian is interested in such a relationship.  But in this way we don't want to regard pictures.


Otherwise pictures are expression of the collective unconsciousness. Picture are more than just an image of relations which are given to our eyes. The artist wants to express, by which forces our society is moved.


Also in this way we do not want to regard pictures. We want to consider pictures as icons.


We do not want to consider pictures in their time context like an art historian, we do not want to consider them in their social context like a sociologist.


We look at pictures as icons. The pictures of the Bible "speak" about the world of the spirit, about spiritual beings.  About angels.


Icons are understood iconographical: What is the meaning of the elements of the picture?


Icons are understood iconological: What is the meaning of the allocation of the elements?


This type of consideration shall be illustrated by an example.


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The "listener to the universe" regarded as an icon.


What is this man doing there? Is he listening to a signal of other beings, like he is, or does he want to hear the voice of God?


What are the elements of the picture?  What has been given to us iconographically?


We see a man, naked. He holds his left hand to his ear, to hear more clearly. He stands on a ball. This ball is the globe. We know this, because the artist told us.


These are the iconograpical elements. Now we consider their allocation.


The man stands on the globe. He is quite taller than the earth, and so his head reaches far into the universe.


What does it iconologically mean "to stand on something" ?


The climber stands on the top of a mountain, the sportsman stands on the winners' podium, the pastor preaches from the pulpit, somebody holds a higher office, and so forth.


What does it mean? Somebody has achieved his goal. He has taken all effort, and finally made it: He has achieved authority about something.


Let's think of the order, God gave Adam: "...Fill the earth and subdue it...." At this picture we could guess, what this man thinks: "God, I did subdue the earth, what do you say now?"


 Let's view a further detail: The man is naked. But this is not the meaning, that he is just a poor guy. So, what does that mean?


To be dressed in a uniform, or livery, or jersey is a hint to be in someone's duty. Clothing is an expression to belong to a certain group of people.


Adam was naked - but we are no more in paradise.  Now being naked means to belong to nobody, to be alone.


Then now, what does this picture mean, considered as a icon?


Men are lonesome in their world, and they long for communication. "We men did subdue the earth, as far as possibly, and we would like to know, what you, God, think of this - in case You are existing."


To listen more carefully, the man has risen on his tiptoe.



( This figure has been built with welding rod in dropping technique. The artist is Peter Hinz, Halberstadt.)