Just we have seen, that we in Europe do not have an easier life with the Islam. Muslims will not become Europeans. They are guided by the Koran, while Europe is formed by the 7th Head.
The terror will not stop, the heroes of the Islam will be celebrated further on.
But it is not the Islam, which is the great problem for Europe, there are the “Fictions”, in which we are entangled. We do not understand, what just happens.
Who are “we”?
“We” are the German soul, “we” are very much concerned: What happens with us in the moment?
* * * * *
Let’s go back in to the year 1648. The 30-year War has come to an end, in Münster they have made piece.
They have come to agree, to accept the “Freedom of Religion”.
What was this? Did Christians fight against each other? Guided by the Holy Spirit?
For sure, not!
We know: Since Constantine, about 320 AD, many countries in Europe did accept a
christian-cultural identity.
Now: The deities of the nations, angels of Lucifer, form a christian-cultural life, and the communities of Christ, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, are the guests of the countries.
So began the “Christian Occident”.
Later on then there were wars between the Catholics and the Protestants. But only in the sense of a christian-cultural identity.
The national angels and their people were in war, not the followers of Jesus. The believers are only guests in their country and they follow the laws only.
Since 1648 there is the “Peace of Religion” in Germany. We have come to a rest. And now people experience – especially in this rest – that the European nations are guided by the Beast with its 7th Head.
The people of Europe experience now an intensive perception of the world and are able to transform their ideas into practice.
These are the special gifts of the 7th Head: An intuition of the world – like the Greek before Alexander the Great – and in addition the ability to transform the ideas into practical life.
And because people did not know, that they receive the gifts of the 7th Head, they thought, that their ideas were their own ideas, and their abilities were their own abilities.
And soon after 1648 they had the notion, to review their life.
And this was the result: It is “Man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity”.
So began the Enlightenment in Europe.
In France the citizens revolted and were of greater consequence:
“Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” was their motto, and they got rid of their dominion with violence,
and shocked Europe with their war, with Napoleon's war.
1886 the French made a present to the USA: the Statue of Liberty, which still nowadays greets the immigrants.
The statue also symbolizes “Freedom of Religion”. But this is not anymore the freedom from 1648. Now also the worshipers of Satan enjoy this freedom.
In the last chapter there has been shown, that there have been two developments in Germany: The
“Socialism” of Marx and Engels, and the “German Heroism” of Richard Wagner.
Which forces are standing behind these developments and the development in France?
With the movement of freedom of France we have seen, that it had been the forces of the national angel, who he had given – extremely reluctantly – to the disposal of the mainstream.
The mainstream, this is the “Woman on the Beast”, these are the Jews and Christians, who left the ways of God, the “Mystery Babel”.
The “Socialism” of Lenin and the “National Socialism” of Hitler get their forces from the false Prophet, who is active in Rev. Chap. 13.
Now: The false Prophet doesn’t have any own forces, and in so far he, too, uses the forces of the national angel, but with his consent.
The initiation of Socialism happened in World War I. In Germany they had the idea, to weaken the combat power of the Russian army by building a second front in the back of the army.
They gave a train for disposal, which brought a certain Lenin from the Swiss to the Russian border.
Poverty and hardship of the Russian people now became a face, Lenin could establish the Socialism, and Russia did tumble into great disaster.
With the motto “Religion is opium for the people” a terrible persecution of Christians began. Also the family of the Czar has been murdered.
Only after 70 years the Soviet Union dissolved.
The National Socialism with Hitler began in the early twenties after the World War I.
“Without Judah and without Rome will be established the German Dom”.
The National Socialism then began the persecution of the Jews.
Here we have three great movements, three great powers:
1.) The mainstream of France and the USA.
2.) The wrong Prophet of Socialism. ( Socialism = Communism )
3.) The wrong Prophet of National Socialism.
2.) and 3.) have actually the same source.
However in the National Socialism there is not only the German hero the fiction but also the
“Master Race”, the Aryan. But to this race the peoples in the east did not belong.
The Socialism wants to combine all nations, the National Socialism wants to be “Master” over the nations. Therefore there have been street riots in Berlin in the twenties.
But all three movements have a common aim:
All three visions want to subvert the vision of God for the mankind.
That is: God yearns for a family. He wants, that the people in the discipleship of Jesus become His children. That is His vision.
* * * * *
In the first great struggle between those powers the “Woman on the Beast” wins the 2. World War and annihilates the vision of a “Germania” – together with the vision of “Socialism”.
But the war goes on: the “Could War”. It lasts 40 years. This finally wins the “Woman on the Beast”.
The Soviet Union dissolves. But – she is not defeated. By no means. She remains only.
In Germany they celebrate the reunion, and now they begin to construct Europe – with the influence of the USA.
“The woman on the Beast” now has the dominion of Europe and the USA. This is “Mystery Babel”, the mainstream. These are the Jews and Christians, who have abandoned their God.
A Ten-State-Alliance has been formed – or is about to be formed – which, with statutory right, will annihilate Mystery Babel. This is a decided matter.
But now it becomes critical: The forces, who are going to annihilate Mystery Babel, are not able to discern between believers and non-believers. So God himself has to care for the believers, to save them from annihilation.
What then happens we can only know, because God himself says so. What now happens is based on the prophetic word of God.
God says to His followers in Rev. 18,4: “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her ( Mystery Babel, the mainstream ) , my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues”.
What this verse demands from the believers, is not only the discipleship of Jesus, - this of course – but also the knowledge of the mainstream. They have to know, what “mainstream” is, in order not to participate in it.
So, this is the first thing, which God is going to do, He discloses His believers a certain knowledge, a “Back-Stage-View” of their life, in addition to the Gospel.
Let’s think of Job: The reader knows, what is going to happen to Job. He, himself, did know nothing. His wife meant, he should renounce this God, his believe doesn’t have any good.
We are not as strong as Job. We would have a position like his wife.
But with the knowledge of the 1st chapter of the Book of Job, we perhaps could withstand the temptation.
And so God says to Wendy Alec. The believers need a fundamental reinforcement, to stand the coming challenges.
Also the prayers of the believers are of eminent significance for their salvation. And therefore it is important, not to pray for the wrong issue.
If the annihilation of Mystery Babel is a matter of law, then, of course, it is quite inadequately,
to pray for her preservation. Our prayers would become ineffective.
So: God wants to give his people a special knowledge – in addition to the gospel. Many believers will not accept this, writes Wendy Alec.
In the USA people will be ready, to accept such a “Back-Stage-View”.
Then in Great Britain. There, then, will be a revival, which seizes the whole country.
By John Mulinde we get to know, that this revival comes finally to Germany. What this means, we can hardly imagine.
The British had already withdrawn from the “Mainstream”, the EU, by the “Brexit”. The revival of Germany but means the end of this EU.
This EU is product of Mystery Babel, the Mainstream. We Germans will dissolve the Mainstream, so we will not end with it.
Now we have a rough view in the future. And now we will see, how this all happens.
* * * * *
Now let’s turn to Mary K. Baxter: “A Divine Revelation of Hell”. ( Chap. 13, the last 20 lines. )
Jesus says: "Come, hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. The end is near, and I am calling sinners to repent and be saved. Look now”.
We were standing in a clearing, and I was with the Lord in the Spirit. I looked and beheld an open vision. In the vision I saw a fiery serpent begin to strike the air with his enormous tail. I watched as this spiritual serpent moved with awesome power.
Then I saw him go back into the right arm of hell and wait.
I knew that He could not strike the earth until God's Word would be fulfilled.
I saw fire and smoke ascend out of the earth, and I saw a strange mist as it formed over the earth.
I saw patches of darkness appear here and there. Horns began to grow on the head of the fiery serpent. They spread out until they covered the whole earth. Satan gave orders to the fiery serpent. There were evil spirits and devils present.
Then I saw the evil, fiery serpent come out of the right arm of hell and begin to strike the earth with great force, hurting and destroying many people.
Jesus said, "This will happen in the end times. Come up higher."
Reader, if you are committing any of the sins I have written about, please stop sinning and call upon Jesus to save you. You do not have to go to hell.
Call upon the Lord while He is near. He will hear you and save you.
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
In this vision there are three phases:
1.) The serpent withdraws into the right arm of hell.
2.) Dark clouds spread over the earth. Horns are growing out of the head of the serpent.
Satan gives orders.
3.) The time of God is fulfilled, the serpent leaves the cave, and begins its destructive work.
To 1.) The serpent acts in respect of the will of God.
To 2.) There is no war, but the evil spreads out over the earth. The 10 Horns orient themselves to
attack the “Woman”.
To 3.) Now follows the attack on the “Woman”. She will be annihilated, but God calls his people,
to prepare for this chaos. Only the “Woman” shall be annihilated, not the believers.
The “Woman”: These are those Jews and Christians, who have left their God.
In respect of time we live in the 2nd phase. We Germans, West Europeans, follow this “Woman”. Who are we?
We take part in the world economy. Profit maximization. Export numbers. The farms have to produce at maximum and cheap. How much the ground water will be poisoned and the animals is only a question of tolerance, which is specified by the industry.
How are the finances? What does the stock market say? What does the stock market say in China? Of course, we are democrats. Actually. But do we have any influence on that, what happens?
Are we questioned at all?
And with the statement, “the Islam belongs to Germany”, we have imported a great amount of the worldwide persecution of Christians. One-hundred-thousand Christians are killed each year.
And with this we have ceased to be Germans as we thought to be 50 years ago. Especially we, who we are guests in our country.
Now we are in phase 2. Dark clouds are spreading out. Ungodliness spreads out. We, the
West-Europeans, accept more and more the picture of the “Woman” – as teachable pupils of the USA.
We are no more citizens of a state, we are only “Mainstream”. And: We are not able any more to free ourselves in this situation. There is no policy to dispel these dark clouds, says the prophesy of Mary K. Baxter. Our salvation lies in the hands of God only.
* * * * *
But now we can see a crack in Germany. The eastern part is not willing to go this way. In the late elections of 2017 Eastern Germany was not willing to go this way. But not only in Germany. All countries under the former leadership of the Soviet Union did not want to go this way.
We remember: In the Cold War the forces of the “Woman” and the forces of the “Communism” were under tension.
Then the Soviet Union disintegrated. And the “Woman” had no influence in these countries, or only limited.
The national angel here forms the state and prefers the type of former governments.
They don’t want a cultural mixture - based on a wrong interpretation of religious freedom. But this is, what the “Woman” is telling us: “It is of no importance, what you believe.”
All men shall be “free”. ( free = without God.)
From these countries of the former Soviet Union and from China the phalanx is formed of the attacking horns against the “Woman”, the Mystery Babel”.
And now it is said, that there is more protest in Bavaria and in Baden-Wuertemberg than in the Eastern part of Germany. And here are especially the Christians, who do not want to go the way of the “Woman”. The opposite:
Rev. 18,4: And I heard another voice from heaven saying: ”Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”
The Christians begin to leave the “Mainstream”, the “Woman on the Beast”. They vote the AfD, the “Alternative of Germany”, but only because of protest.
* * * * *
Now we take a text from John Mulinde, who had this vision in 1999:
He has a look on Europe, which is nearly totally covered with billows of smoke. There, suddenly, he can see a light over England, which spreads its rays over the country.
Then those rays move to the south onto the Continent. Then the picture remains like this, until finally a bright light appears in the middle ( Germany ), a very bright light, breaking through the clouds.
Bright as the sun is this light, and it spreads over the whole earth.
John Mulinde asked God, what this picture means. He answered: “The darkness is the impiety in Europe. This impiety will have an extreme extension, and many human will get lost.
Then comes the light. This is the power of the Holy Spirit.”
It starts in England, there starts a great revival. On the Continent the people are not sure, how to get along with this new phenomenon.
But then the message comes to Germany, and then there is a power, which nearly tears the hearts apart. For this we are waiting for centuries. What has been hidden since the times of Luther, which is the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit by His gifts, happens now.
But have a look to the vision of Mary K. Baxter:
1.) There is the furious serpent, ready to attack, when the word of God is comleted.
2.) Fire and mist darkens the earth. The evil spreads out.
3.) Mary K. Baxter sees the serpent, coming out of the cavern. It kills many.
Jesus says then, that this is going to happen in the end-time.
The vision of John Mulinde points at phase 2. In this time he sees the light coming over Europe.
This is our salvation. This is confirmed in the 14th chapter of the text of Mary K. Baxter.
There Jesus says: ”Look, I prepare a holy army. (Joel 3) This army of workers, house-wives and school-children will do great deeds in my name."
There then many people will find their way to God – practically all Muslims here in Europe.
The sun rises over Europe and spreads over the whole world.
And in respect of this, which is coming, this revival is of great importance. If finally the serpent comes out of its cavern and starts the destruction, many believers would quit their faith and say:
“If there is such a hardship as this, then I don’t believe, that there is any God. And if there is a God, then I don’t want Him.”
But the salvation has strengthen the believe of the many. And they know, what is going to happen, and they know also why. Their prayers will save the world.
( Look deFrohna-Texte: The Vision of George Washington.)
And we can conclude, that there will be an event here, like in the times of Joseph in Egypt, when the national deity changed the sides: An angel of Satan became an angel of God.
* * * * *
We have seen now, that the awakening of Europe begins in England. This begin has been described by a vision, which Wendy Alec had in the year 2005.
We have parted the vision in A,B,C,D, to have an easier approach to the text.
Part A: Points on terrorism in England.
Part B: Shows us the present state of the Lion, who represents the English nation.
Part C: Restoration of the church, the state and the mission.
Part D: → A man “like an iron-rod” becomes governor, to defend the weak England in the
World War 3.
→ Lion and Eagle unify again. ( England and the USA.) There comes a wave of prayers from the east coast of America to England, and after the begin of the
3. World War a wave of prayers from England to the America.
We have mentioned, that the awakening of Europe begins in England. In Part D.) is a hint, that the East Coast of the USA is the initiator of this awakening – or the amplifier.
The vision shows us, that the state of England is rather pitiful. We can see this by the picture of the Lion, who, meager, with a rough fur, and a tiny rest of his voice, represents the heart of the nation.
And God says:
“This Lion represents not only the state of England, but also the state of my church in England.
And Wendy Alec saw in capital letters:
What are we talking about?
Each nation is guided by an angel of Lucifer. Since the Tower of Babel. The angel is responsible of the language, the cultural identity, and the state apparatus of a country. The cultural identity in England is Christian since about 800 AC. The 7th Head of the Beast governs in Europe, he governs the national deities.
However the “Woman” sits on the Beast. She misuses the right to hospitality and claims the resources of the country.
The “Woman”: These are the Jews and Christians, who have left the ways of their God.
The Lion is the allegory of the angel of Britain. The Lion has been weakened from two sides: First by the “Woman”, who practically determines, how the country is reigned. Second by the followers of Christ, who don’t do anything for the country.
If they, as guests of the country, would respect the original laws, then they would also strengthen the government, and by their prayers.
But if they are just lukewarm, then they strengthen the “Woman” in her ungodliness, whose seductions have a certain attraction for them also.
The “Woman” in this prophecy is described as a sprawling tree, who has its roots in Brussels, the center of Europe, and its branches, covered with leaves, stretch out over Britain.
God, now, has announced, that the Master of hosts will take the power, and He will restore the lion in his power.
Now – Christians are guided by the Spirit of God. The national angel is an angel of Lucifer, and the state of England has been described by the weak lion.
Now: When Christians gather before God, and pray for the country, then the Master of hosts will become active, then this “Woman” will prepared her end, the national angel will be freed from this “Women”, and the Lion, again, will be able to roar.
A first step is the “Brexit”. This is the legitimate separation from Brussels. The covering branches from Europe have been cut off from their central roots.
* * * * *
By Luther we had once solid ground below our feet.
While the Catholic Church has found a way back to the scripture – the abdication of the Tiara, the threefold crown of the Popes, and the orientation to the Messiah are the indications – the splitting of the Protestant Church deepens: The teaching of the Historical-Critical-Method, which leaves no room for the work of the Holy Spirit, leads to the result, that even homo-sexual pairs my have the leadership of a communion, for example.
The EKD ( Protestant Church Germany) doesn’t know, what she is doing. The misuse of the priestly office is the worst, we can imagine.
To know the truth of God, and to turn away from it, is hardly to correct.
( See “Mary K. Baxter: A divine Revelation of Hell.” Chapter 11.)
In the German constitution is written: The marriage is an institution for men and women. But the Bundestag made the decision, that a marriage is legal for homosexual partners.
There was a protesting, but it was rather weak.
And because we in Germany leave the correct way, we go towards unsafe aims, towards dark times.
* * * * *
But now we hear this, that is written in the header of this chapter: God has a plan. He plans the awakening of Germany.
What God did by Luther 500 years ago, now He plans with an army of employees.
Is this just a hope? No, we really can know this. We do know this only, because God tells us.
He tells us by His prophets.
First there is John Mulinde, the bishop of Uganda,
further Mary K. Baxter, a house-wife from Michigan, USA,
and then we consider His promises by Wendy Alec. And others.
Then still there is pastor Daniel Ekechukwu from Nigeria.
In Luke 16 Jesus tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus. We know this story. Both die, but they go to different realms of death.
The rich man, suffering the tortures of fire, sees Lazarus in the company of Abraham, comforted.
He asks for relief, a little to drink.
He thinks of his brothers, and asks Abraham, to send somebody to them, to warn them.
“If somebody from the death would come to them,…”
Abraham responds: ”If they don’t regard Moses and the prophets, then further on nobody, even if he came from the death.”
This was 2000 years ago. But now, in the year 2001, exactly this has happened. Daniel Ekechukwu was standing at the gate of Hell, he could already hear the cries of pain of the lost, when the accompanying angel said: “What the rich man begged from Abraham in those days, is going to happen now:
One of the death shall return to the living, as a sign, that they should leave their actual ways and turn to the Words of God.”
Who is meant with this? Who is the recipient of this message? Not the unbelieving. About those Abraham did say, that they would not be touched by this, even if somebody from the death would come back.
So: This message is for the believers. And it means: “Wake up! It begins”.
Shortly after his resurrection from the death Daniel Ekechukwu and his wife Nneka were at a meeting of Pentecostals with us in Berlin. They reported in detail from this event.
( The firm “Full Flame” sells a DVD about this.)
We will see later on, how important this message is for our time. It is not only for Germany, the main aim are the believers of the community world-wide.
If we recollect ourselves and ask, why is our time so special, then we should consider: Our actual time is marked by 72 Years of peace.
Exactly observed there has been nearly for three times an outbreak of an atomic war. This was in the Cuba-Crisis, then 1983 an attack of rockets seemed to occur, but the lieutenant-colonel Petrow did discover it as a false alarm.
About the same time the NATO seemed to plan an attack on the Soviet Union – planes with atomic bombs were already in start position in the DDR – when they realized the situation in time.
Now we live already in piece for 72 years, but nearly our cities have been destroyed with atomic bombs.
Should we stay confident and be calm, or should we ask yet, how God is seeing our time?
Now we live in phase 2. Is the time fulfilled, then comes the phase 3. The 3rd phase is the verdict about the “Woman on the Beast”.
Now comes the serpent from its cave, and begins with the work of annihilation.
What people then have to undergo, is so terrible, that the Christians would doubt of God. They would say: ”God has abandoned us”.
In the vision for America 2006 (Wendy Alec) God says in the last section: “I shall do a new thing in the Bible Belt.
Your present sustenance cannot sustain you in the days ahead.
I will break the bonds of your establishment and shall come towards you in this day, yet in a new form."
Many are going to say then: But this is not from God, but finally the religious expectation will be overcome, and the spiritual eyes will be opened, and the whole Bible Belt will attain a new state, strengthened by the Lord’s hosts.
And then ends this vision with the sentence: “And then the judgment will fall. But my church shall blaze with my glory.”
If the Christians in their present state would experience the judgment of the “Woman on the Beast”, the “Whore Babel”, they would not know, what happens. They would despair of God: “How could God allow a thing like this! Is there no God?
And if there is one – how could I believe in Him!
God himself says in this vision, that His community would never accept the judgment on this “Woman”.
And what is the new thing, which God will bring to his community in the USA?
Now we know already: God opens His community the view on the coming events. And so they will be aware of the “Woman on the Beast” in the mainstream of their society.
They are going to warn their fellow men. The mainstream will react vicious, and then there will be a persecution of Christians in the States.
On page 2 of this vision of Wendy Alec it is said: Many will not endure the persecution.
This new orienting of the communities will not be limited to the United States.
Of course not.
People will recognize in the States, which complications England is in, if she wants to free herself from Europe.
We see in the visions of England in 2005, part D, that the new insight of the Christians results in a great resistance among them, but also here the new way succeeds.
And then, when the hardship has come over the USA, the Christians in England will support their brothers and sisters in the USA with a stream of power, and will activate the army of heaven. The Christian of the whole world will do so.
Because it is this, what happens here: The judgment on the “Woman of the Beast” will be executed here, but there is no judgment on the believers.
America remains free. The enemy is not able to conquer the country. America will be rebuilt by the Christians.
* * * * *
The enemy then is rather disappointed, and is mislead – this was not their intention – to attack Israel.
But this means the end of the Beast with its 7th Head. The Beast will be banned into the realm of death – and returns from there at the time of the Apocalypse. People then are very astonished. ( Rev. 13,3 )
But before this attack on the USA the awakening of England comes on the Continent and finally to Germany.
And then the ungovernable Berlin can be freed from her enemies, and finally, finally the light comes over Germany and will be sent out to the Christians of the whole world.
And what has happened already in England, happens here, too. Our national angel, an angel of Lucifer, changes the sides: He becomes an angel of God!
And if now the Beast is banned in the Abyss for a certain time, then also those, who were subject to him. These are practically all deities on earth. They all have been guided by science and technique.
* * * * *
If there are no more deities on earth, who guide the nations, then only the Holy Spirit.
Now there is world-peace! The 70th Year-week begins.
The Temple in Jerusalem will be rebuild.
The Palestinians will be accepted by Israel like a 13th tribe. ( Sac 9, 6+7 )
Israel will be completed. The full number is reached. We undergo the rapture.