Of great importance is the Right to Hospitality, which God has arranged for his people at the other nations.
In the book of Jeremiah we read, that God has spread His people among other nations, because they have been unfaithfully to Him.
However, Israel shall stay Israel, they should not adopt the cultural identity of that nation. This means also, that the national angel of that nation has to accommodate to guests, they have to provide them like they provide their own people, - and this is a certain, acceptable intrusion into the national system.
Then it will be expected by those guests, that they respect the laws of the country.
In the time of Jesus the Jews have been subordinates of Rome in their own country. And they asked Jesus, whether they should pay taxes to Rome.
And Jesus spoke to them: ”Give Cesar, what belongs to Cesar, and give God, what belongs to God.” And they ware astonished of Him.
If we look at the status of Christians, then we see the same conditions: Christians are in their country only guests.
They respect the laws of the country, but they honor the God of heaven and earth.
Christians do not honor the national deity of the country, where they live, the deity, who is responsible for the administration of the country, who is anxious, that everything is correct working.
Between the Christians of a country and the national angel there is otherwise no relationship. He is not able to, and not supposed to judge, whether a Christ is faithful to his God or not.
The unfaithful Christians, like also the unfaithful Jews, do then, what they think is correct – and the angel has to provide them in his political system.
Now it becomes difficult for those angels, because they do not respect any more the laws of the country.
This additional burden will be compensated by an arrangement with Lucifer: A concession of
At the end of the days, at the time of the 7th head, when the animal bears its 7th head, there will be 10 rulers, who form a 10-state-coalition “for one hour”.
This coalition will be formed to annihilate the “Whore Babylon”. The “Whore Babylon” : These are the Christians and Jews, who have withdrawn from God, who act arbitrarily in the political system of the state.
She is also named “Mystery Babylon”.
The angels of the nations have to accept their intentions. But the angels do not prevent the preparation of the animal in the “last hour”. The rulers of the 10 nation also not, of course.
This is: This is the annihilation of the “Whore Babylon”: This is the “Woman on the Animal”. The description of this woman are devoted two chapters in the Revelation of John: The 17th and the 18th.
This event happens in our time, and has an extend of the 3rd world war.
And now happens something unique in history of mankind:
Angels of Lucifer annihilate the “Woman on the Beast” in their wrath – and the angels in heaven are rejoicing about this.
Rev 19,2:
“For true and righteous are his judgments, because He has judged the great harlot, who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.”
( … shed by her: She accepted Inquisition and the Islam. )
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But there is still something to think of: Why are the angels of Lucifer so angry about the “Woman on the Beast”? Yes, those people do not follow the laws of a country, they arrange the government of a nation after their own imagination – but – they are all fallen from God, shouldn’t Satan have his delight? He doesn’t. Why?
It is mainly this: Satan wants to be god of all nations, finally. He will give orders and the people have to obey. However, in the moment he is only the “accuser”, the “attorney”.
In his sense acts the false Prophet. But he gets his power from the national angel, in whose name he acts, if power is available. But this power claims the “Woman on the Beast” by the “Right to Hospitality”, and acts after the devise: “I will do, what I want”.
However, this is totally against the concept of Satan.
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A paradigm of the Right to Hospitality.
In the 8th century BC Ben-Hadad was king of Aram. (Syria) His general was Naaman. But Naaman had leprosy.
After a suggestion of a Jewish girl in his services he made his way to Israel, to be healed.
And really: God has healed him by the mediation of Elisa.
But from now on he didn’t want to bring offerings to the deity Rimmon any more, from now on he wanted only to honor the God of Israel.
And he spoke to Elisa: ”I have to accompany my king in the temple of Rimmon. I don’t want to pray to Rimmon any more. From now on I want to honor your God only.
But I have to hold the arm of my king, if we bow down during prayer – could this be forgiven to me?” Elisa: “It will be forgiven to you.”
Naaman is only guest in his country any more. This is a really important example for us Christians. We, too, are only guests in our country, because we let us guide only by the Holy Spirit. And not anymore by a “Rimmon”.
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For us Germans in the 21st century this sounds somehow strange: Is it still the case, that we are led by a deity, as we can read in the 82nd Psalm?
About such an assertion one can hardly smile, so absurd it is. Are we still living in the
Middle Ages?
But only if we have become Christians then we know: We are under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
But what happens to those, who are no Christians?
And so we look around and remember: The Beast with the 7th head is in dominion over Europe. The deities of the nations are subordinates of the head. The 7th head respectively is an instant, a four-in-four manifold, which is not represented by a personality. Therefore there is no deity known in Europe, and so not in Germany. ( Look at deFrohna-Texts: God’s time.)
The national deities of the European nations are active as ever, but they are all subordinate to the 7th head. But we don’t know this, and think, that we in our own authority, in a democratic way design our country.
This also concerns the countries of America as descendants of Europe.
Now let us consider an occurrence and point to a legitimacy. This event is like a phenomenon in Physics, the electricity, and exactly so reliable, because God did invent this phenomenon:
The Stream of the Spirit.
It is known by the biography of Elvis Presley, that he gave a noble villa to his mother as a present. His mother thanked him and responded, that she would rather see him making music in church service, than making “such” a music in public.
And Elvis responded: “Mother, you can’t imagine, what happens to me each time I am on stage:
A force seizes me, flows through my body, and transfers onto the audience, which is literally “inspired”.
This has been with Udo Jürgens, for instance, not different. Also in a church service this phenomenon happens. But, here acts the Spirit of God, and there it is the spirit of the national angel, who is responsible for the cultural identity of his country.
Let’s see here the little film sequence … “says my piano” from the movie: “The man with the Fagot”.
We see here the audience “inspired”, people receive the Stream of the Spirit. In Electronics you might say, that the audience is the “Collector” and the artist is the “Emitter”.
Because Christians are guests in their country, they are not guided by the national deity, but by the Spirit of God.
Even if we are with our friends in the theater, we shall not be influenced by the present spirit, we will not be added to the present community. We do not belong to any “Rimmon”.
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