Now we read about the 7 epistles in the Revelation chap 1-3. Here we read, what Jesus told Johannes. That was about in the year 96 A.D. , about at the 100th birthday of Jesus.
The 7 epistles relate to 7 towns in Asia Minor and their problems in the spiritual conflict.
And today? Nothing has been changed in the last 1923 years. The epistles are valid for every generation. For every generation there is an end. But finally there is the turn for the last generation.
When the full number of the “first fruits” is reached. God counts his “first fruits”. Does God know, at what day the number is reached? Not exactly.
He does not know, who decides for Him. The love of God prepares for anybody a “free room”, to say “Yes” or “No”. And He does not know the result of this decision prior - so His love claims.
In spite of this we know by the living prophets of God that the full number is reached soon.
The epistles are addressed to the angel of the community, to a community as a unit. The human representativ of this unit is the pastor. He cares for his community under the guidance of his angel.
But also the single person is addressed in these epistles, to be guided by the Spirit of God, to listen to the Spirit of God.
* * * * *
The 7 epistles describe 7 basic difficulties in the community of Christ.
We want to present them briefly. But first we want to point out, that besides those challenges in the communities there is still the request of Christ, “to have no part in Mystery Babylon”. (Rev 18,4 )
In this aspect God says through Wendy Alec 2006:
„For I tell you, that the time will come in America, when it is no longer political correct, to be called “Christian” ... .
There will be a persecution ?!
Suddenly God speaks to America? This is not the Bible! But the Bibel is also only the word of God.
And then God says further to those, who have resisted Mystery Babylon:
„And the Bible Belt, that has kept my word and my name, I shall do a New Thing in the Bible Belt.“
* * * * *
The 7 attacs against the commnity of Christ.
1. Ephesus.
The Nikolaits: The standards of daily life are copied by the communion.
The daily life of a people is characterized by an angel of Lucifer, but a communion is under guidance of the Holy Spirit.
2. Smyrna.
People here suffer under persecution. They are challenged to renunciate their belief in Jesus, or they will be killed.
Their suffering is limited to „10 days“, that means a bearable suffering, that means that the persecuted persons have still the freedom to say “Yes” or “No”.
If they will be killed, they receive the victor’s laurels of life. More than 100 000 Christians are killed in the moslem countries every year.
If they surrender within those “10 days” and leave Jesus - to make a contract with Satan, - then they will suffer the 2. death. They will not be judged any more by the Last Judgement.
3. Pergamon.
The community here is tempted like the community of Ephesus. Furhermore there is an attack of “Bileam”. We know from the Old Testament that Bileam tempted Israel with wrong sacrifices and fornication.
Here the single members of this communication are requested to change one’s ways and to look for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
4. Thyatira.
Thyatira suffers under a heavy attack. Not single persons are challenged but this is an attack against the whole community.
Under the key word “Isebel” we remember instantly, that the whole comunity is in danger to leave the succession of Jesus, like in those days, when Isebel engaged wrong prophets to preach a wrong belief in Israel.
Let’s think of the „Historisch-Kritische-Methode“ to control the message of the bible.
But also the mariolatry. Of course, Mary is the mother of Israel and the Church. But is her given authority over the earth and over the forces of the evil?
5. Sardes.
This community has simply fallen asleep. This, what happens in all communities, that namely people fall asleep, has happened to the whole community.
Only the overcomer will not be erased from the Book of Life.
6. Philadelphia.
A strong community.
But then: “Indeed, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who will say they are Jews and are not, but lie - indeed I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.”
What happened to this community? Obviously people are comming quite officially to beg the community of Philadelphia to forgive them. Obviously they had persecuted them.
They had come with a lie and with force. So seduced by the False Prophet, who always comes with lies against the word of God and with power to support these lies.
But now they have realized their mistake. And Philadelphia has been stable in this situation.
Let’s read further on in chap 3,10: “Because you have kept my command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on earth.”
What does that mean now? There comes an hour of trial upon the whole globe.
There happens a single event in history of mankind!
But Philadelphia will be saved.
Let’s read again Wendy Alec: „I shall do a new thing in the Bible Belt. For there is yet a new move that shall spring forth, for children, your present sustenance cannot sustain you in the days ahead,” says the Lord.
“And I will break the bonds of your establishment, and I shall come towards you in this day, yet in a new form.”
Those Philadelphia-Communities did exist since the beginning. Also days of trial. But now Jesus prepares us for the end of Mystery Babylon. And He says: “Now, here in the USA”.
The new Philadelphia-Community begins here, then goes across to Britain, then to the continent, then also to Germany. This community spreads out to the whole world!
7. Laodizea.
It is especially difficult for rich people to understand, that their riches are of no value in heaven.
Jesus tells the story of the rich man and of Lazarus. The rich man - suffering - wants his brothers to be saved.
Abraham responds: “They have Moses and the prophets. Even if somebody would come from the realm of death, they would not react.”
They should rather care for
Gold refined in fire,
white garment,
eye salve.
In early days Laodizea has been famous for its eye salve. But only the Spirit of God can open the eyes
for servicing the neighbor,
for respecting the Ten Commandments.
„To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on my throne.”
* * * * *
We can imagine that many communities have left their first love, we know that many communities suffer persecution. More than 100 000 Christians are killed by Moslems every year.
In many churches the False Prophet misleads the members: Adultary, abortions, fornication are the result.
The doctrine of the “Historisch-Kritische-Methode” , but also the Mariolatry lead astray total communities.
And then: Many churches fall asleep. Let’s think of the rapture: Many people dont’t participate because they have fallen asleep.
But then there is a church, which has been regarded in a special way. Philadelphia. It has been specially prepared for the end time.
This begins in the USA. Then England. The Philadelphia-Church spreads out over the globe.
And then, when Mystery Babylon falls in misery, the Philadelphia-Church will save the USA from its aggressors.
The end of Mystery Babylon is a legal act. Three witnesses are named here: George Washington, A. A. Allen and Dumitru Duduman. They show in their visions what is going to happen.
But before this the followers of Jesus in the USA and in Britain make an alliance which will not end
( Wendy Alec, 2005 D ) and which will achieve, that in Britain and finally on the continent Mystery Babylon can be defeated, so that Europe will be spared from the atomic bombs.
It began with the „Brexit“.
* * * * *
Preperation for the end time.
Now poeple might say: „But this is not the Bible! Who then is Wendy Alec?”
This objection is justified, certainly. The Bible is the word of God, but we do not know, whether Wendy Alec tells us the word of God or not.
She says “yes”, this is the word of God. Could we prove this?
Yes, there is a possibility: Let’s read 1.Cor 12,4: There are diversities of gifts ... 7: But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.
... 10: to another discerning of spirits, ...
1.Cor 14.1: Persue love, and desire spiritual gifts ...
So, if we ask the Holy Spirit, then some of us could get the gift of discerning spirits.
And then we could really know, whether the visions of Wendy Alec are visions from God. And the visions of Duduman, A.A.Allen, George Washington and all the others, and we could know about visions that are not from God.
We all should ask the Holy Spirit for his gifts. And then there will be some among us, who get the gift of discerning spirits.
At the late 80’s John Wimber came to us to Germany. He preached at Frankfurt in a hall with 4000 people. There we could get an impression from the beginning of Christianity, when the Spirit began to move.
* * * * *
To understand the end time events, we should try to discern the original plan of God from the actual event, from plan B.
Are we able to do this?
In Dan 9,24 we read: “Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city... to seal up vision and prophecy, ... .
The seal under a document certifies the content and ends the document.
So: The prophecies of the Old Testament aim at the end of history, they describe the time until the end of the 70 year weeks, the New Testament describes an interim period and the Book of Revelation has been written for our time, the plan B of history of mankind.
Quotations of the OT relate always to the original history, quotations for our time then have a second meaning.
The original plan and plan B now come to that critical point: Does Israel accept Jesus as the Messiah - or not.
We know: Jesus has not been accepted. The rejection is a legal act. The meaning of single persons, even if they are the majority, is not of interest.
Only when the government of Israel, the Knesset, payed the 30 silvercoins to Judas, the legal descision has been fulfilled.
Simultaneously Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane and had to learn, that the conditions of his crucifixion have been aggravated - for us, the coming generations.
Let’s have a closer look what Jesus did for us at the cross: For this we go back further 2000 years.
God names Abraham “his friend” and gave him great riches. But Abraham said, riches have no meaning for him because he does not have a son, a stranger, his administrator, would inherit all his property.
And this describes the situation of God himself. His creation has been managed by a stranger, by Lucifer, nothing would be left to Him. He wanted to have a family in heaven. Yes, - if His son would be the heir!
But the heritage was indepted deeply, and the cost was unbearably. His son had to die to pay the cost.
But God has been concerned that the cost is not so high. The transgression of the commandments have been atoned for by the blood of animals. But the death and the deformation of the soul by envy, greed an aggression Jesus had to suffer on the cross.
4. Mose 21,9: So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived. ( Joh 3, 14+15 )
This here is not a matter of transgression of the commandments, but it is a matter of the rebellion of the hearts. But then, after Jesus, there were no more animal sacrifices. An therefore Jesus had to pay the total cost of the comming generations, for our rebellious hearts and for our transgressions.
Anyway: Even if Jesus had been accepted as the King of Israel, Jesus had to die at the cross.
* * * * *
Now we want to reconstruct the events, if Israel had recognized Jesus as its Messiah.
When the Romans heard, that the new King of the Jews would overtake his souvereignty and would free Israel from the rulership of Rome - such an attempt Rome would have responded by crucifying Jesus, but without anticipating that the dominion of Christ is not from this world.
But Rome would have recognized quickly, that it has been misled by the False Prophet and would have reacted promptly: Jupiter, an angel of Lucifer, becomes an angel of God, with the result, that the Roman Empire would be terminated.!!
In this power vacuum certain peoples became active: Eze 38, Dan 9,26. Those are the remaining nations, who did not accept the new order, the new property situation. (Gog from Magog.)
After attacking Jerusalem, misled by the False Prophet, they have been exterminated.
The 70th week begins, the completion of Israel, Jesus confirms a covenant with “many” for one week. ( with Israel and those from the nations.)
“But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.”
( Jesus died in the 69th week: here no animals are sacrificed. 1. Peter 2,5 )
After the 70th week Satan comes again for 45 days to motivate those, who do not accept Jesus, to follow him in his dominion.
This is briefly the original plan from the end of mankind, those who do not want to go with Jesus they go with Satan, and this is now, in plan B, of no difference.
( The people in Australia and America - in those days unknown to us - probably would have gotten the chance to decide, too.)
Those, who are not able to make a decision, find themselves in hell, where they have to experience death and where they have to review their life, as Mary K. Baxter writes.
The Last Judgement then is the final instance, where the future is determined: Do they have to go to Satan into the Lake of Fire to die the 2nd death, or are they accepted in heaven?
Then they would not belong to the Bride of Christ, but they would be saved.
( The 1st death is to experience the decay of the own body. The 2nd death is to experience the “decay” of one’s concience, of one’s personality.)
„Plan B“ we should rather call “Plan C” , because in the beginning of mankind God prepared us a Paradise. That was the plan A.
* * * * *
In the book „Target Israel“ (2015) von Tim LaHaye, Ed Hindson, Nathanael Winkler we read (German 2018, S.207 ) :
„Finden wir Amerika in der biblischen Prophetie? Niemand bestreitet die Tatsache, dass Amerika eine einzigartige Geschichte aufzuweisen hat, in deren Lauf es zu einer militärischen und politischen Großmacht in internationalen Angelegenheiten wurde und nach wie vor ist. In einem Vierteljahrtausend ist Amerika zu einer Nation geworden, die sich von jeder anderen in der Weltgeschichte unterscheidet. In gewisser Hinsicht kann es Amerika mit Nationen mit einer viel längeren Geschichte aufnehmen. Aber die Bibel ist auffallend still, was Amerikas Rolle in der biblischen Prophetie angeht.“
„Can we find America in the biblical prophety? Nobody would deny the fact, that the history of America is of an unique character, in whose course it has become a political big power in international matters and still is. In a quarter millennium America has become a nation, which differs from any other nation in world history. In certain aspects America is eminent even in comparison with nations of a much longer history.
But the Bible is remarkably quiet in the aspect of America’s roll in the biblical prophecy.”
We know, that the biblical prophecy of the O.T. relates to the time until the year 45 after Christ. Then there is an interim when the voice of Eliah and the voice of Mose are speaking in the N.T. .
( Voice of Eliah: John the Baptist. Voice of Moses: The pupils after Pentecost.)
And then there is a reference for our time e.g. the letters of Peter and Paul and also the Revelation of John.
In addition we have to accept, that the word of God has not ended. The great prophecies in our time are also the word of God. And there is no difference to the bible. The word of God in those days equals the word of God nowadays. Of course, there is no difference.
Now, let us ask again: “Do we find America in the biblical prophecy?”
Yes, we must say, we do find America in an eminent position!
Let us read again the letter to the angel of the community of Philadelphia
in Off 3:
7: And to the angel of the church of Philadelphia write: “These things He who is holy, He who has the key of David. He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.
8: I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept my word, and have not denied my name.
9: Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie - indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know, that I have loved you.
10: Because you have kept my command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on earth.
11: Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.
12: He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar of the temple of my God, and he shall go out no more. I will whrite on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God.
And I will write on him my new name.
13: He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
Well, the church of Philadelphia exists already from the beginning. And why points its letter now at the USA?
God tells us by Wendy Alec:
„And the Bible Belt, that has kept my word and has revered my name, I shall do a New Thing in the Bible Belt!“
God points here, by Wendy Alec, at his own text from the letter in verse 8:
“... for you have kept my word and have not denied my name ...”
There is no doubt: You in America are now the church of Philadelphia.
And what is its task? There are people, who come to beg your pardon for what they have done to you.
Those people are Jewish - and you have probably brought to them the message of Christ.
In the beginning they have been very angry with you, but then they have perceived that Jesus really is the Messiah!
So, what did you do? Let’s read Rom 11, 11: “I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles.”
12: Now, if their fall is is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much their fullness!
So then, what happened through the church of Philadelphia? The number of the Messianic Jews has grown and comes closer to the full number.
This was also the concept of Paul: Wherever he founded a community he began first to invite the Jews. And this full number is nearly achieved.
So then it is the task of the churches in the Bible Belt, to turn to the Jews, “ to provoke them to jealousy”!
This mission is given first to the churches in the USA. Here God begins to prepare the followers of Christ worldwide for their end time service
- and for the end time events -
when the “hour of trial” comes upon the whole earth.
This „hour of trial“ is the attack on the USA, which we - as followers of Christ - would not endure, if God would not prepare us.
„And then the judgment will fall. But my church shall blaze with my glory”.
18. Mai, 2019,