The Tower of Babel.

The stream of the spirit.


Somehow it was clear to us. There is something, that means us: A power, a source, a place where we come from, and where we go again.


For us, mankind, it was clear, somehow, for thousands of years, that there are forces from the universe.  But what could we know about them, really knowing and not just guessing?


Our source is the Bible.    Written by men, but under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.   Men are guided by the Holy Spirit.    Sometimes He speaks to them, sometimes they have dreams, sometimes He gives them knowledge directly in their understanding.


This is not an anomaly:   All nations are guided by a spirit, even though the relationship between the deities and their nations is of diverse character.


So let us begin:


God is the creator of heaven and earth. He is the original source of the Stream of Life.


In Job 34,13f we read about this God:


   “ Who gave Him charge over the earth?

   Or, who appointed Him over the whole world?

   If He should set His heart on it,

   if He should gather to Himself His spirit and His breath,

   all flesh would perish together,

   and men would return to dust.”


If a plankton in the Pacific in 2000 meters depth can live its life, then, because God’s power flows through this life.

If the stream of power ends, then life ends.


God has not only created the life by His spirit, He retains it by His breath.


A metaphor to this is the electricity: In a big generator electricity is produced.   This electricity reaches different devices – lamps, motors, ovens, televisions, computers, and so on.   The same energy has many different effects.


And so reaches the energy of God to the most different nations in most different ways.    Language and cultural identity the nations receive by different deities, who are efficient by God’s stream of power.


Who are those deities?   Why did God appoint them to mediate language and cultural identity to the nations?


The Bible speaks about this:   Directly after the Tower of Babel the nations did not yet exist.    There was only one mankind with only one language.    The descendants of Noah.   But mankind did not follow the will of God, they followed the will of the angel Lucifer.


The angel Lucifer has a great stream of power to his disposition, to lead mankind to great destinations.    They have been “spirited” by him – filled with the spirit for great aims.

But God foresaw a great danger, if Lucifer would keep the leadership about mankind.

Because Lucifer himself has confronted against God, he began to go his own ways, his own ways with mankind.


The confusion of tongues.


Besides the report about the Tower of Babel in 1. Moses 11 we put a  2 report with Psalm 82.

As we sometimes on television can participate in a speech in parliament, so we are here present, when God speaks to the angels.   These are those angels, who He has enthroned as deities over the nations.


1. God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods.


2. How long will you judge unjustly, and show partially to the wicked?

3. Defend the poor and fatherless. Do justice to the afflicted and needy.

4. Deliver the poor and needy. Free them from the hand of the wicked.


5. They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of

earth are unstable. ( The people of the nations don’t understand the purpose of their life.)


6. I said:”Your are gods. And all of you are children of the Most High.

7. But you all shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.”                        ( prince = dictator )


8. Arise, O God, judge the earth; For You shall inherit all nations.      ( A voice from the audience.)


The background of the confusion of the tongues is the division of mankind into many nations with different languages and cultures.

And then we can see in Psalm 82, that the influence of the angels on their people is quite significant, yes, and they are partly responsible even for the fate of single persons.


Lucifer’s stream of power, which enabled him to lead the whole mankind, has been segmented to those angels, who follow Lucifer as their leader.   They are his entourage.    Now engaged as the deities of the nations.

These deities have many subordinates, who assist to reign a nation.   A huge administrative organization.


But what happens to those people, who do not want to be guided by such an angel?

Who are looking for the guidance of the Spirit of God?

This is, however, one of the most important questions, which is to respond later.


                                                                                   * * * * *

The Fall of Man.


Let’s go back to the beginning: Who has mediated Lucifer the stream of power, which enabled him, to guide the whole mankind?

The Bible does not say, that God made a contract with Lucifer. There is no covenant between God and this angel.


But God did make a covenant with Adam. “Subdue the earth!” This was a covenant of huge dimensions, of great authorization.


Adam has been enabled, to “subdue the earth” with an important stream of power.

And so:    When God did create the paradise with plants and animals, He wanted to see, how his creature, his image, would model the paradise further on after his own imagination.

God did create man in such a way, in such a freedom, that He Himself, God, did not know, what Adam would do.


Now the Bible tells us about the known incident: The Fall of Man.

The knowledge of Good an Evil” Adam exchanges against his title “Subdue the Earth”.


Now Lucifer commands the title “to subdue the earth”, he commands the design of paradise, and he spoils everything.


Men become mortal, animals are eating each other, woman are suffering when they birth a child, the work in the fields is arduous.

The souls of men are disfigured with envy, greed and aggression, they cannot subsist before God any more.   Cane slays Abel.


But why did Lucifer do this?   He himself wants to be god.   Therefore he needs a government with an entourage of angels and a population, which then he is going to reign.


He can rely on the stream of power, which he needs to reign, because God does not withdraw His decisions.

God did entrust the power stream to Adam, Adam has been deceived (although God did warn him ) but the gift has been a legal act, and God does not revoke it.


                                                                                   ? ? ? ? ?


And so!   Who would like to belong to the people of Lucifer?    Careful, he promises a lot.    At the end of the Bible we can read, that Lucifer could attain a numerous population.

He, his entourage, and his population find their place in the Lake of Fire.


Men, disfigured by envy, greed and aggression, cannot subsist before God, as we know, because God is holy.

However!  God plans a salvation by a “Last Adam”, the Messiah.


                                                                                 * * * * *


The stream of power has been separated.


After the “Tower of Babel” God does foresee a danger for mankind, if Lucifer stays in commission of the power stream.   Now God cannot simply take away this commission – He would breach His own order – but He can spread the power stream among the followers of Lucifer.


Lucifer keeps only one assignment, which gives him the title “Satan”, the “Accuser”, something like an attorney.


The power stream has been divided among his princes.   To these princes God delivers a speech and criticizes them because of the way they are leading the nations:



Once again, Psalm 8.


1. God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods.


2. How long will you judge unjustly, and show partially to the wicked?

3. Defend the poor and fatherless. Do justice to the afflicted and needy.

4. Deliver the poor and needy. Free them from the hand of the wicked.


5. They do not know, nor do they understand; They walk about in darkness; All the foundations of

earth are unstable. ( The people of the nations don’t understand the purpose of their life.)


6. I said:”Your are gods. And all of you are children of the Most High.

7. But you all shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.” ( prince = dictator )


8. Arise, O God, judge the earth; For You shall inherit all nations. ( A voice from the audience.)



We can see, that God is quite discontent with the management of the nations by the princes of Lucifer.   There are two points of criticism:


     1.) You are unjust to the people.

     2.) You leave your people in darkness.



But there is one point, God is not blaming them:   Malice.    But if we look into the history of mankind, we can find many malicious events.   So: Lucifer’s malice has been transferred to another angel.   He is called the false Prophet.    About him, we hear later.


But there is another special remark:   Angels mediate their nation language and cultural identity – and in return the angels experience the worship of their people.    The design of this relationship is called “Religion”.    It is the religion of a nation.   The religion of a nation is only “vertical”.   It is the manifestation of this relationship – and only of this relationship – between the deity and the nation.


In so far there are (basically) no conflicts between the religions.   Of course, we experience a different world.   But we can see, that conflicts do not have their reason here. For those reasons we have to look somewhere else.


So: Religion is an expression of the relationship between angels and their people.   And there is no reason for conflicts.


                                                                                      * * * * *

At the time of the forefathers new nations came into existence.   In the beginning mankind has been divided into many nations.


But now nations come into existence as the descendants of famous men:    i.e. from Ismael descends the Ismaelites, from Esau = Edom descend the Edomites, from Jacob = Israel descend the Israelites, and so on.

The specialty now is, that God himself overtakes the leadership of a nation.


And what He is criticizing on the angels, He, of course, is doing differently.




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