There are various times: Time to work, time for holidays, time of cancellation, and so forth. So here we speak of time 'orange' and time 'blue'.
Under the keyword 'Begin' we could see already, that men orient themselves at spiritual forces.
At the Tower of Babel men followed the angel Lucifer, the carrier of light. Then God did separate mankind into nations, as we can see by the confusion of languages. Now, the single nations are guided by angels as followers of Lucifer. God says: "To prevent something much worse." The subordinate angels do not have the capacities of Lucifer.
The picture of a tram illustrates now the dependency of a nation on its angel:
People are free to lay rails as required, to drive and to stop, to set the railway switch.
But the train moves only, when it is driven by the power of electricity.
So we live in the dependency of spiritual powers. All men are born into the time 'orange'. 'Orange' means here to live on dependency of an angel of Lucifer.
'Blue' means to live on dependency of the Holy Spirit.
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How can we understand 'dependency'? Can we experience it? An example:
Elvis Presley has become a wealthy man by selling his records. Now he did, what he wanted to do for a long time: He gave his mother a magnificent villa.
His mother gave thanks to him, but remarked, that she would be very happy, if he would stop this music and rather participate in the songs at church service.
Elvis replied: "Mother, you can't imagine what happens to me on stage regularly: A force seizes me, I feel strong, and I can see, that the audience is captured by it.
They are really delighted.