Israel keeps record of the history of mankind. It began 5775 years ago. Adam and Eve have been expelled from Paradise. Then the Flood came 1656 years later.
Only Noah and seven persons survived.
Then the "Tower of Babel". Most people followed the guidance of the angel and not the guidance of the Spirit of God.
The angel was the "angel of light", Lucifer. Nearly the whole mankind did follow this angel.
To prevent mankind from getting into trouble, God separated mankind by a confusion of tongues, so that the single nations are now guided by angels of the followership of Lucifer.
This constellation is valid until now.
Further on the Bible tells us, that God made a covenant with Abraham. Abraham was determined to become a father of many nations.
Israel originates from him. Israel has become the nation of God.
Israel deserted God's leadership and got into the captivity of Babylon.
600 years later Jesus, the Son of God, comes to Jerusalem. He is the promised and long desired savior, but Israel does not recognize him.