Our time.



Israel counts the years from the beginning of mankind. Since then 5775 years have passed.


We count the years since the birth of  Jesus With Him our time of Christianity begins.


Since Constantine we know of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.


Charlemagne conquered wide parts of Europe and enlarges so the influence of Christianity - however often with great force.


With the Renaissance the modern time begins. It is the end of the Roman Empire. East-Rome. Europe experiences a first break-in in its spiritual life by the Greek mythology.


Luther establishes the Protestant Church.


With the Enlightenment Europe experiences a second break-in in its spiritual life.

People establish the motto: "The Man free himself from his self-imposed immaturity."


Under the Emperor Wilhelm I. Germany glorifies military force, which finally will be ended in the year 1945.


The begin of end time is still open. Then history of mankind finishes, as we know it.


In the graphic we can see parallel times: The time "orange" and the time "blue".