Satan, the Snake, could Eve and finally Adam convince of this: "You will be like God
discerning Good and Evil."
Although God did tell them: "Don't eat from the tree of knowledge, the consequences are terrible!"
But Adam and Eve believed the Snake and followed its guidance. By this they accept their dependency of the Snake and lost their freedom. This is their end in Paradise.
And these are the consequences: Now they are mortal, children are born under great pain, the work on the fields is very toilsome.
Adam's competencies in connection with his mission "Subdue the Earth" are now transferred to Satan.
And he modifies the creation instantly, so that from now on the soul of men is characterized by
envy, greed and aggression. Cain slays Abel.
In Paradise men lived by the fruits of the plants, the animals by their leaves. Now the misery has overcome the creation of God. And men experience now getting old.